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How to hit your goals in half the time

without upending your whole life

Quick Question,

Have you been feeling like you’re just spinning your wheels when it comes to achieving your goals?

Is there always something that gets in the way of you putting the time into working to make your dreams a reality?

Have you tried all the hyped methods of goal setting and without it making a real difference in your life?

Are you tired of being stuck exactly where you are?


If you've said YES,
you're in the right spot

Hi I’m Rachael and I help people get a handle on their goal setting with simple steps that lead to action plans. Plans that  change lives.

From becoming a mom at 21 and going on to be a university graduate and multi-business ower (bringing in almost $400k in revenue in my first year in business) I have learned a thing or two about setting goals and HITTING them. 

And that’s what I want to share with you!

Simple tools and actionable plans made to build success, what ever that looks like to you. 


Rachael deals with time like Warren Buffet deals with money, investing it wisely and having a long term focus in mind. She's helped me go from complete unorganizion to effectiveness as a leader in business, as a step dad of two and as a life partner.
Jordan Harper

It wasn't always so simple...

When I first started to set goals I had no idea what I was doing. I would pick something arbitrary and then work like a maniac for a short period of time until I was burnt out and still hadn’t achieved much. 

Who can relate? 

With such big plans for my life and absolutely no guidance on how to achieve any of it I needed to figure out how I was going to build the life I truly wanted. 

But how?

After months of feeling like I wasn’t making ANY progress I came across a goal setting system. The 30.60.90. I took that and started to think about what I could do in 90 days. Then I started to work backwards, figuring out the steps I needed to take to get there.

After I did this exercise for the first time I got a promotion at my work in just 90 days. I set another 90 day plan and went to work executing it. Then I got another promotion and became the only female managing partner in the company and had the fastest management promotion in their history, just 9 months. 

From there I expanded the system so that I could set even bigger annual goals and learned to build a roadmap in order to consistently achieve the goals I was setting. 

Over the next few years I experiemented with this strategy and I got to a point where I have been able to run 3 businesses, run a team of 35 people and earn millions of dollars in revenue for my clients. And I now only work 3-4 hours a day on both my businesses, make a full time income and still have the time I wanted to spend with my family. 

I’ve spent the better part of a decade honing my goal setting skills and teaching it at a professional level. I’ve coached dozens of business professionals on the topic and spoken at conferences about how to take charge of your time and your results. 

And now it’s your turn

Imagine if....

You came home at the end of each day and felt like you really accomplished something 

You started making progress on goals that have been “waiting in the wings” for the right time

You had a simple system that would keep you on track to achieve your goals faster than you would have thought possible

90 days from now you achieved a big goal that you’ve been dreaming of

You were making real progress towards the life that you TRULY WANT TO LIVE

Get your Goal Setting Workbook

Printable versions of my go to goal setting that keep me sheets that I've used to make my dreams a reality!

With this beautiful printable planner set: 

You’ll have a tried and true set of goal setting worksheets that will help you map out your action plan

You’ll be able to start making progress on your priorities and goals

You’ll have a easy to follow strategy when it comes seeing your dreams come to life 

Never feel like your stuck in the rat race again 

Rachael, you are always good at holding others accountable to their goals. And no one could teach me better than you, it's really helped! 
Shelley Goll
Customer Service Professional and Content Creator
goal setting workbook

What's inside:

9 goal setting worksheets 

 Including goal setting sheets for the yearly, monthly and weekly levels

All sheets work together to create a roadmap for you to follow so that you make those goals a reality 

Comprehensive instructions so that you can set your goals right AND get them accomplished

All sheets can be used again and again

All for just $10.00!

Rachael is a great planner! I am consistantly amazed at everything she manages to get done in what little time she has.
Tracy L.
Senior Mortgage Specialist

This is for you if:

You want to finally start making meaningful progress towards your goals
You want a simple starting point for setting your goals
You want an easy way to track goals and priorities
You want to STOP feeling like your running in circles when it comes to your dreams
You love simple to use PRETTY Printables

This isn't for you if:

You hate printing things
You don't want to spend 15 minutes setting life changing goals
You are ok with staying exactly where you are
You feel like you still have time before you need to take your goals seriously

You're only a click away from a simple, beautiful goal setting system

It’s time to take the plunge. 

You deserve to feel energized instead of stagnant You deserve to get more out of your life. And you deserve the tools that will help you do it. 

Go ahead and get started today 

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